Leaving Home

I left home today. Again. Seventh ricochet after my 32 year marriage detonated.  Only, this time is different. Ear to the ground, I listen.  Once, I had a dream where I watch a woman ride a tornado like a bronco in a rodeo. All the time repeating, "I see your glory, I feel your glory! I see your glory, I feel your glory!"  I have a job to do. Write The Last Dream, a dystopian vision of dream and redemption. Or, to let it write me.  I invite you to step out on this journey with me - this leaving and finding home, this search for the story.  I invite you to crouch down, lay your ear on dirt, red, white or brown. What is the sound of writing home?   Happy New Year! Welcome to 2018. Welcome to etjadreams.